Small changes everyday can have a big impact on your weight, blood sugar and overall health!
- Switch to unsweetened beverage choices.
- Increase your water intake. Decrease caffeine.
- Start reading food labels.
- Switch to whole grain carbohydrates and look for foods with the first ingredient listed as whole grain or whole wheat.
- Eat LESS processed carbohydrates (white flour, sugar) each day.
- Increase PROTEIN intake, especially at breakfast.
- Start to weigh and measure foods.
- Journal intake. Be accountable.
- Start moving. Talk with your physician first. Start small.
- Eat at least 1 serving of fruit and veggies per day. Goal 5+/day.
- Decrease portion sizes of salty and sweet snacks.
- Keep empty calorie intake to <200 calories per day.
- Limit artificial sweetener use.
- Be mindful when eating. Find out why you are eating.
- SLOW DOWN…eat meals over 20 minutes.
- Don’t give up! When things get tough, remember that small changes will give you big results and you CAN do it!!